The AMETEK TR-100+ is a fully featured Digital Fault Recorder with the capability to capture and analyze short transient events, longer-term disturbances and trend input quantities such as RMS, frequency, harmonics, power and power factor.
Number of Channels • 8, 16, 24, or 32 analog
- 16, 32, 48, or 64 digital (larger systems available) Voltage Inputs
- 57 to120 V RMS nominal, 212 V RMS full scale Current Inputs
- 1 A or 5 A RMS nominal (thru external current shunts/CICT’s) Frequency Response • DC to 3,000 Hz, (+0dB, -3dB) or 1/4 sample rate Accuracy
- Better than 0.2% full scale
Digital Inputs • 24-250 VDC normally open or normally closed wetted contact
Time Synchronization
- Internal clock, synched to the 50/60 Hz line or optional IRIG-B