Automation Solutions Leveraging flow-control expertise that spans five decades and in-house capabilities in system design and integration, L&T Valves offers a comprehensive range of SIL-capable Valve Automation Solutions to meet myriad industry/ process/ customer requirements. Special Features & Benefits Product Range: High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) Emergency Shut Down Valves (ESDV) Shut Down Valves (SDV) Remote Operated Shutoff Valves (ROSOV) Blowdown Valves (BDV) On/ Off Valves Remote Operated Valves/ Motor-operated Valves
High Integrity Pressure Protection System L&T Valves offers a range of customised SIL3-capable High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) for over-pressure protection In industrial plants, in case of over-pressurisation, the gases released are primarily flared. Flaring and venting of flammable gases pose health and safety hazards and constitute a significant threat to the environment.